So this is my Alchemist character. She doesn't have a name in particular, although I guess we can call her Valwyn. She is very strong despite her slender build and baroque outfit. She collects ore throughout the Aetherworld on her own, using her giant grappling hook/drill a.k.a the Valkier-Lassan. It's also known as the Angel Blossom because the explosion as it launches looks like wings, and the hook is somewhat floral in design. It also has a meter on the side that can point toward denser, safer rock to grapple into. Valwyn stores fragile potions under her layered dress where they are most likely to be kept safe and tougher minerals are kept in pockets in her boots, which in turn strengthen her leg power, helping her move quickly and climb. She can't, however, take a hit too well, as the materials she carries on her are sensitive and may backfire.
This picture started out as a triumphant success for me, but I got too caught up in the nitty-gritty of it before I was done planning, resulting in a background that didn't quite match my character in terms of composition and details and points of interest that could have been more cleverly executed. I know now that I could have done this picture WAY better now, but it's time to move on. I have tons of art to get back to. All of which will be a step up from the last.